Categories & Collections

How to add, edit or remove Categories & Collections

Chris England avatar
Written by Chris England
Updated over a week ago

To edit the Collections and Categories for the Technology Directory, click on Technology Partner Directory and select either Collections:

Or Categories:

In order to create a new Collection/Category, click on the ‘Create Category/Collection’ button on the top right of the screen. To edit an existing Collection/Category, click on their name in the list. The screen for creating and editing either will look as follows:

Add/edit the Title and description and add or change the image by clicking ‘Add Image’ or dragging and dropping the image on the right-hand side. It is advised to use a square JPG or PNG image, no larger than 500px wide and 1MB in size.

You can use this page to view which partners are currently assigned to the categories/collections. Once you have made all the required changes, you can click on the Save button on the bottom right of the page. You can also delete categories/collections by following the above steps and clicking on ‘Delete Category/Collection’ on the bottom left.

These will display on the partner page Technology Directory as options which can be selected to narrow down a search. They can either be shown above the partners (This is the horizontal option shown below) or they can appear on the left-hand side of the page (This is the vertical option). You can change between these 2 options by clicking on Customizations > Layout > See below:

See below the 2 different options displayed on the Technology Partner Directory:


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